Monday, February 10, 2014

Blogging: A for Effort?

I keep telling myself I should blog more. And then I don't. Generally because I think of AAAAMAZING blog posts in places like public restrooms and friend's dinner parties and then immediately forget them. I also do the whole "Oh, it's three am and I should be sleeping? Go, brain, go! Think of witty commentary! Plan eloquent soliloquies! Write a novel!" and then I turn on the lights and grab a pen and my brain goes "duuuuuuuhhhhh.......". 

Thanks for nothing, a-hole.

Recently I've been other people's blogs for inspiration (that's actual a lie; I mostly just look at the pictures). I've been reading people's blogs that are titled things like "I have three kids, hold down a job, hand make everything from Martha Stewart's newest magazine, AND look gorgeous doing it", "Look at all these fabulous quilts/paintings/masterpieces I made with minimal time and effort", and "I'm under 25, totally successful, and generally saving the world in five minutes a day, also I make a killer pot roast".

And then I am sad.

Because the blog of my life is a little more along the lines of "Huzzah! I only had ONE tiny panic attack today!", "Yes I AM wearing real pants, thanks for noticing!", and sometimes "I just want to call my pets 'children' so I can have a valid excuse for not participating in 'normal' society today or possibly ever".

Whenever I read somebody else's blog (which is generally also beautifully color coordinated and has a super cute personalized banner that I can't figure out how to get onto a  page) it makes me feel like a total failure. Because today I did not make a gorgeous quilt, homeschool several children, get a totally homemade meal on the table, or figure out a safe, healthy alternative to Pinesol.

But I did vacuum the living room twice and I cut the dog's toenails.

And in some social circles, that would be considered successful.

I might have to call that a win.

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