Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Superpower Reveal!

Ladies and gents, I have a superpower.

I just thought you should know.

The superpower I possess? Supersonic hearing. Or maybe you're looking for more of a layman's term; I have "Mom Ears".

"Mom Ears" enable me to wake from a deep sleep when somebody (ie, cats or a-hole dog) makes a noise in a different part of the house. This includes whining, moaning, scratching, shuffling, and snorting. Especially shuffling, snorting, and scratching in conjunction.

Again, waking from a total dead sleep to jump into action.

"Action", obviously, being me going "THE F-CK ARE YOU DOING???" and sometimes waking up my darling (also sleeping) husband.

Be warned furry children and future human children.

You can't ever be sneaky enough to get away from me. I'm a f-cking superhero.

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